Saturday, January 31, 2015

Rooster Tale

            I have a scar on my hand from when I was attacked by a rooster when I was 6 or 7 years old. I was a small kid and that rooster was 2/3 as high as me. I remember it so vividly. Every day when I got off the bus I would have to play this cat-and-mouse game with that stupid rooster. This particular day – the rooster won.
            I got off the bus and, as usual, I saw my nemesis eyeing me over from the corner of the house, situating himself between me and the front door. I was pretty sure if I took off for the other end of the house I could beat him to the back door, but the back door came in to the basement so you had to jump down this steep hill in two steps to get there. I took off as fast as my short little legs would carry me, and sure enough, I hear that bird’s war cry just as I get to the edge of that little hill. That scares the spit out of me so I jump WAY too far and come down about half way across the house, instead of halfway down the hill. I pop back up in an instant and turn around just in time to see him come over the top of that hill like a buck in rut and all I can see are spurs, beak, and certain death headed straight for my face. I throw my hands up to protect myself and that sucker opened up a 3” gash with his spurs on my hand. It was bleeding pretty good, and it hurt like crazy. My older and larger brother finally decided it was time to help (for a second – I still think, to this day, that he just didn’t want the show to end) so he shooed the rooster away as I made a break for the car. I hid in our big old brown Oldsmobile Delta 88 for about 30 minutes, bleeding and scared, before I was able to make a break for it and get to the house.
            Now, while in hindsight that is a really funny story – at the time it was a horrible, traumatizing event that left me petrified of poultry long after most folks are not afraid of poultry.
            As I was looking at a cut on that part if my hand again this past week I realized something I had never understood from that incident. I had cut my hand in the garage, and the cut had actually gone through the same area as that scar. I noticed that it was cut on one side of the scar and the other, but was not cut where that scar was. As I thought about that I realized that it was not cut there because the scar tissue was tougher than normal areas of my skin that had not been previously scarred.
            I see a parallel in my walk with Jesus as well. I, like everyone, have been hurt by people. Anytime we try to love we open ourselves up to being hurt. Putting our defenses down is required to really love anyone. This makes us vulnerable and is why it is so hard to do. I have noticed, however, that when God heals me from a hurt I got while trying to love someone, I become less susceptible to be injured that way again. The emotional “scar tissue” we have in our lives is brought by God for a reason. It is not punishment – it is for our growth, and for the growth and benefit of those around us, even when we don’t get it. As Constantine once said – “When I can’t trace God’s hand, I know I can trust God’s heart”.  As God heals us, His loving Spirit teaches us grace and understanding. He teaches us to understand that we are all in the same boat, no matter what our religion or relationship or system of beliefs (or lack thereof) . We are all frail, hurting sinners, who mess things up good and hurt people sometimes – intentionally or unintentionally.
            Figuring that out has helped me put some perspective on my own pain, and the pain of those I love. It has helped me to see my own pain as a reflection of the pain I have caused others. It has helped me to love a little more, because I know how loved I am, and has made me tougher and more resistant to being hurt because I realize that the person who hurt me is just like me, and is just as desperately seeking something real in a world of fakers and takers.
            BTW – I learned another thing about God’s love for His children that night when my dad got home from work. When he found out what had happened he went into the henhouse and that rooster learned a thing or two about fear and scar tissue as well. He didn’t get to utilize much of it though, as I’ve never had a bigger smile on my face while eating a chicken dinner.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Public Confession/Apology

          Hi folks. Just this week God reminded me of an irrefutable fact - I can be right and wrong at the same time. As a believer in Jesus I am free, so this is all only so I can apologize to any I may have offended, and for my own personal sanctification purposes. God is NOT mad at me.
I read an article a couple of weeks ago that just really disturbed me and frankly -  I couldn’t keep my big mouth shut. The article, which you probably have heard me talk about if you read what I write at all, revealed the fact (at least to me) that in America $8 out of $10 dollars that go to the Church are for buildings, property, and paid staff. I think this is a travesty, frankly, and in my usual bull-headed way I told you all about it – along with my solution. As I prayed about that after I realized two things
1. God never asked me to do that and
2. I think I heard angels laughing.
Now while I still think it is a travesty that we waste so much money, in my prayer time I came to understand that I was actually right and wrong at the same time.
I was right because if that were a secular charity and only 20% of the donations actually went to it’s proclaimed purpose no one would ever give to it (unless they were related to the family or owned stock or something).
I was wrong – NOT because it pushed some people’s buttons. It is something we need to think about. I was wrong – NOT because I didn’t feel I did my best to deliver that tough word in love. I truly did and I’m sorry if it hurt any of you.
I was wrong because it is not what God has asked me to do.

God has asked me to simply live and teach the message of His grace as much as my selfish frame will allow. He has asked me to do it AND keep my day job. He says it’s good for my ego.
He has asked me to proclaim it LOUDLY - because after more than 20 years of following Christ, I truly - for the first time since I first met Jesus - remember what it is to feel FREE INDEED! This new understanding of both the depths of my sinfulness and the heights of His goodness and mercy has turned the Gospel on its head for me. It has made the law more profound and the love more contagious. It has made the questions less scary and filled in soooo many blanks. It is the Gospel of Christ as something to be lived with joy and peace and contentment. It is not another task to do to keep favor with God, or another dinner to make, to show the church people how good I am, or another pledge drive I only signed up for because I felt guilty. That way of life is as dead to me as the truth of the Gospel is to those who are perishing.
Here’s an example - I now give my tithe just because God is good. Not because I’m guilted, or manipulated, or coerced into it. I can give it to a big or small church, I can give it all to the march of dimes if God so moves me. I can go three weeks without giving and believe it or not - the Lord of the universe, who knows my heart, sees my sacrifice and I don't have to prove it to anyone. The point here is that I choose where it goes and 100% goes to help people and spread the Gospel. Seeing each dollar work in each ministry, or each need God has asked us to seed into, has been much more gratifying than dropping a check in a bucket all those years, although if you know where it goes and choose to put it there I'm sure God is good with that if your heart is in it. However, now no one gives us the tax write off and it’s up to us if we even take it at all. It makes you take responsibility for your own giving in a whole new way. It also forces you to think about what you really believe.

           Through this change in paradigm, my faith has become so integrated with my every-day life that where and when I talk about Jesus is not at all based on who is around – but on what God is doing in my life at that moment. It is not forced, nor unwelcome. Witnessing is never contrived or manipulated, as it simply seems to flow from the joy in my heart. Everyone sees it. Some people (mostly the religious ones) even resent it. Some don’t like me for it – but that doesn’t matter. The vast majority of people see there is a joy in me that they rarely see in this world. If they know me - they know that joy comes from Jesus because I either have spoken of His goodness around them or they have heard me telling someone else. I just seem to talk about Him and it's just like sharing a comforting tale with a hurting friend. I talk about Him and His love for us. Most of these people know that when I say I love them – I mean it – because my life bears that out. I have loved them when there was nothing in it for me – no star to put in my book of another soul led to Jesus… and they noticed. It’s nothing but a smile and hug from another sinner who needed a shoulder to cry on. My need to perform is gone (most times) and has been replaced by a desire to serve and love hurting, needy people like me.
Please understand - I am not blowing my own horn here, but telling you of the change in my heart since I realized that God already approves of Ron Baker and I don't need to earn his approval as if He were some angry taskmaster. Now please understand - I'm so far from good that you wouldn’t like me if you knew even some of my best secrets, but the truth be told, I would be a little leery of you too if I knew yours. In spite of that – Jesus wants to use me, wants to use us, whenever we are willing, to play some small part in what He is doing here in this place at this time. I no longer EVER have to look over my shoulder to see if Jesus is watching, not because I do not sin, but because I know He is - and I also know that He told me it was finished!
So anyway – please forgive me for being so easily distracted and falling into the divisiveness that we are so easily led in to. The enemy seeks to kill and destroy my relationships with my brothers and sisters in Jesus, who I love and they know it, because I have served and loved them too. I apologize to each of you for being a part of the problem. I’m also sorry to say that it WILL happen again - because I am not like Jesus yet – but it gives me joy and fills my heart with hope when I remember Jesus said – “IT IS FINISHED”. I am free. Praise God.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Top 10 Reasons To LOVE the Christian Church!

          I sometimes sense that some folks I love and respect believe I can be a little tough on the Church at times. First off - I hope you all understand I am a very intense kind of person - I desperately love the Church and believe we should work hard to constantly mold it into a better version of itself. I want the Church to be relevant again - and to begin to attract people back to our churches - in whatever form they take.
          I also hope and pray that it is clear that my comments are directed at the Church of Christ as a whole - and not to any particular branch or vein of Christianity. I have close friends and brothers in more than 20 different denominations and groups and I love each of them as precious family - but I also believe that no problem left unmentioned is ever solved. When I speak of a problem - you are usually sure my version of a solution is not far behind. I apologize to my friends if I have unintentionally hurt them with my comments. Please forgive me.
          Anyway - here are my TOP 10 reasons to LOVE the Christian Church. Some are more serious than others but I mean EVERY word! Our God and His Church are AWESOME!

10 – The Church is CONSISTENT.
                For 2000 years we have presented basically the same scripture as the word of God with very little change from what was originally written in the Bible, as we know it today. Through many transcriptions and wars and conquerings and language changes, and several attempts throughout history to wipe Christianity from the face of the Earth, the word of God has been preserved and is very much the same as when the books were originally written. Christians today still believe basically the same things the first Christians believe - that Jesus loves people, died for their sins and that we need to understand that we need that, as we can’t live a life good enough to satisfy a holy and perfect God. That sure speaks to the raw power of the message of grace and forgiveness Jesus brought and its power to alter hearts and lives dramatically!

9 – The Church is DEVOTED.
                Throughout the twenty centuries since the inception of the Christian Church people have lived and died for their faith in Christ. Jesus himself served as the greatest example of devotion to God and to His people that we have. His Bride has followed in His example and history (and media sources today) are riddled with saints willing to risk all or even die for this Gospel of peace, accomplishing great things, sometimes paying with their lives, but the Church’s dedication to the Savior and to the great commission and great commandment are unquestionable.

8 – The Church is DIVERSE.
                There are now around 2,000,000,000 (2 billion) Christians worldwide in more than 30,000 denominations. Christianity covers the globe and has churches meeting in almost every country on the planet. The Church has a solid foundation of prayer, and a steady stream of servants, called and willing to spread the Gospel to all the ends of the earth. Each region, each area, each church has its own distinctive style of people, tastes, worship and teaching and loving – but in spite of the diversity we still love the same Jesus. It is awe-inspiring to realize that 24/7 somewhere the Gospel is being taught and people are being loved in the name of Jesus. That is a testimony to the scope, and diversity of the beautiful Church of Jesus.

7 – The Church can sure throw a PARTY!
                I was speaking with the bishop of one of the largest Church denominations one time and I mentioned I was going to a meeting that afternoon and loved so-and-so’s cooking, when I heard that she would be providing the victuals.
           “Well,” he said. “You know what they say – wherever two or three are gathered in His name - refreshments will be served.”
Church – I think we can all agree - THAT is a true statement. We have lots of people who can cook… and cook WELL – nothing has been better for our taste-buds and worse for our waistlines than Church cooking! I challenge any other religion to throw a potluck like the ones we have in the Christian Church. We would wipe the floor with them! Honestly, though - this one makes total sense to me, as Christians are really the only ones with any news worth celebrating!

6 – The Church is MOTIVATED.
                We believe that we have a mission here and we are truly desirous to please our God. When we believe we have a word from Him we will go anywhere and do anything we believe He is asking us to do, to the best of our abilities. We love our God and truly believe that we have the answer to life’s two biggest questions: Why am I here and do I have a purpose? We know there are so many who need this message. I SOO get this one - it’s hard to be deterred, when you understand what Jesus has done for us!

5 – The Church is PASSIONATE.
                We are a passionate (to the point of stubborn) J people - but we must be to fight the constant attacks against what we believe - and to get us through those times in history/geography when our faith could get you killed. We are passionate in our love for, and protection of the Church and it’s people, passionate in our opinions, and passionate in our desire to be like Jesus. These are noble and wonderful traits, and I’m sure our passion pleases God.

4 – The Church has great ARCHITECTURE.
                Even though I am a man that believes the small churches are the most effective church view these days - how can you not look at some of the glorious works of art that have been built as tributes to the creator of the universe and stand in awe? The Sistine Chapel, for example, is just one giant, beautiful, work of art. If you have been in church for any length of time, I’m sure that when you read this one you instantly thought of a couple of different buildings you have been in that took your breath away. The diversity and beauty of Christian architecture as it has developed with the culture over the centuries while remaining connected to its roots is amazing and awe-inspiring.

3 – The Church is FAITHFUL.
                We are a group that, even with all the church hopping and broken relationships in churches people in the Church in my life have overwhelmingly been faithful to those in need. We genuinely want to help those in need and will whenever we can. We believe in those in leadership and believe that they have our best interests at heart when they step behind the pulpit. We trust that God will work things out and that our prayers make a difference. We pray more than we give ourselves credit for, but we sometimes are just comparing ourselves to that prayer warriorwe know who prays 3 hours a day, lying on their face. We are a faithful group. Jesus, and living in a way that please Him, are the most important question to us.

2 – The Church is CARING.
                There is no question as to what organization runs the most soup kitchens or homeless shelters or crisis pregnancy centers or inner-city outreaches. The Christian Church reigns supreme in these outreaches. In these tough places the people of God shine for Jesus. They reach out daily, oftentimes putting themselves and their families at risk to bring the hope of the Gospel to places where hope is hard to find. Their lights burn brightly in the darkness and all these ministries that reach out to love in Jesus name show the unbelievable caring and loving nature of the vast majority of Christians. Again – 24/7 someone, somewhere is being served and loved in Jesus name. That is an amazing organization to be a part of - and it humbles me, when I think about it.

1 – The Church is GENEROUS.
                The amount of giving that goes on inside the Church cannot truly ever be measured as much of it is given with Jesus words in mind; that our giving did not need to be a public pronouncement, so much of the giving is simply not possible to trace. Of what is traceable though, Christian giving to causes that promote the Gospel is more than the GDP of many countries - many times over. As astonishing as that is, I am more astonished when I remember the old guy that slipped me $100 at a church service because Jesus told him to. I think about a person we didn’t even know paying $1000 for our CD after a concert, because he thought it could help people to know Jesus. I think of story after story of missionaries who have given their lives and their money to help those with nothing to have a little, and to those who support them. I think about those who give their time at our local churches to organize a food drive or Christmas wish program or host a Parrish dinner or make a meal to bring to a friend in need.

          With all our baggage, it is clear that we are kind and generous people and the world knows that, deep down - so even though we do hear a lot about the problems in the Church today (and we MUST have those important discussions) we must never forget that our God is MIGHTY and He can stand up to our questions and concerns. His church is strong and beautiful and He still reigns at the top. It got there through 2000+ years of debate and asking hard questions. Let's not be afraid of adapting to serve the needs of the changing culture around us and open our minds to new possibilities. As the word says – if our God is for – WHO can be against us?


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Why Our Worship Is Weak.

       I have been singing, praising, worshipping and leading worship, in settings from a few people to a few thousand for over 20 years now, and although it all looks great on TBN (and I'll get comments on this), in the areas I've lived and worshipped, the response of the congregation to praise and worship today, is the lowest I've seen. I have been in small group settings (leading and following) with folks that will chat during worship and large groups where less than 1/2 the participants were singing and some were even standing, cell phone in-hand. Now I don't know for sure it wasn't the Holy Spirit texting them but I know they probably missed what God had for them in the worship that day.
       I think this is sad, because I think it is avoidable with just a few tweaks. One is to better explain to believers the PURPOSE of the music at the beginning of the service, and how, like nothing else, it can put our mind in a position to unite us with our fellow worshippers, regardless of their theology. It can help us to hear and receive the Word of God more clearly, and encourage our spirit in difficult and uncertain times. There are certainly, as always, many who intentionally have relationships with God that keep Him at least at arms length. This stinks too - as it makes it hard to feel loved when you won't let God get close enough to hug you.
       Another problem stems from our acceptance in the Church of the MINDSET that worship is a music performance we listen to, rather than an effort on our part to reach out and unite with other believers, and to let our burdens fall away as we seek Him for a few short minutes. Worship has become a social experience, where a group of individuals worship in a room full of people - sometimes feeling totally alone - instead of a powerful, intimate communion between the Bride of Christ and the Bridegroom. Ugh. That makes me hurt because it steals joy.
       Another unfortunate factor, which I alluded to earlier, is social media and the way today, many have what I call the 'they're watching' factor. People are more aware than ever of who is watching them and in worship it can cause them to miss the part of God's love that causes our heart to beat faster in our chest, and causes us to sing out boldly to the only worthy God there is.
       The solution? That's the EASIEST part! If you want to see the change - be the change! Sing out your praises - as one part of the whole  - for Jesus' sake! You might be surprised at what can happen to your heart, and your congregation, from just one simple act of trust and obedience.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Get A Grip Church - You're NOT That Good!

     This morning on the radio I heard a man who said this, in what I can only assume was just a crappy effort at evangelism, as I know this person has a heart for lost people; "I don't want you to get to the end of your life and have Jesus say to you 'Why didn't you listen' ".
       As I listened to this tripe I realized a fundamental problem in how many people do what they call evangelism today - This statement and this mindset are poisonous CRAP! - Jesus will never ask why they didn't listen as He already knows why and knows that much of it is because His people do a terrible job of reflecting His love and grace to a dying world, as most of those who even think about making evangelism a part of their daily lives are way too concerned with staying away from anything that might stain them or positioning themselves to feel morally superior to those that struggle. These prideful people reach out like THEY are the example (instead of pointing to Jesus) and act as if they are more than simply, as my friend Steve Brown puts it, one beggar telling other beggars where they found bread.
       Listen, family - the Bible is clear - There is NONE GOOD - NO NOT ONE. The sooner we realize that applies to all of us, no matter how long we have been following Jesus, and understand that we ALL need forgiveness every day, and begin to share His love like people who actually realize how desperately we, ourselves need it, the sooner the world will see His passion for them through us. Romans 3:23 is not only for the lost. It is for EVERY HUMAN - EVERYWHERE - EVERY DAY!       
       Grow up in your faith and move away from the milk. The meat of the Gospel is not that you can only be good enough by working hard enough to follow Christ - the meat of the Gospel is that you can NEVER be good enough in this fallen world and will only be like Jesus when you see Him face to face no matter how hard you work at it - but love them the best you can anyway.
       It is a MUCH harder pill for most of us in Western culture to swallow, that we can never be good enough apart from His grace washing our sins away daily, than it is for us to believe it's just going to take a lot of hard work to get there.
       Grow up, Church. You're not good enough - but He is - and will always be. But it's OK because THAT is the Gospel of Jesus and is really the heart of the good news He sent us to share!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Are You An Example?

Everyone, whether we like it or not, serves as an example for someone else. At work or at home or at church or in the grocery store, someone is using you as an example. Unfortunately at times, our choices and motives determine whether we are a good or bad one. Truth be told, as Christians we know there is only one good example and you aren't him (and neither am I) but how we choose to live out that truth is one of the keys to an effective and honest witness. I think it is true without question, that a grace-filled Christian, who lives in liberty, is a better example of Jesus to the lost than the mindset of many Christians, who believe we obey in order that God might be pleased with us. The difference is easy to spot.
The grace-filled Christian's obedience flows from a gratitude that they are being used at all, and a supernatural desire to love others as they have been loved. Because of this, their acts of service flow from their gratitude to Christ, and their true righteousness manifests as acts of other-centered love. The legalist mindset attempts (unsuccessfully, I might add) to follow the law perfectly, because many times they genuinely believe the lie that says this is how we please God. This mindset, with it's inherent self-centeredness, will cause a fear-driven pseudo-obedience that flows from a false belief that God's approval is somehow based on their obedience to God's law. It will cause these folks, like the Priest and the Levite (interesting that Jesus chose the "religious" people) in the story Jesus told about the Good Samaritan, to avoid God's work right in front of them if there may be a trap that might make them stumble. Where is their faith? Who is their faith in? This not only short-changes the work of God to those in need, it also makes for uptight saints who are generally judgmental and unhappy. That doesn't remind me of Jesus at all!