Saturday, January 17, 2015

Why Our Worship Is Weak.

       I have been singing, praising, worshipping and leading worship, in settings from a few people to a few thousand for over 20 years now, and although it all looks great on TBN (and I'll get comments on this), in the areas I've lived and worshipped, the response of the congregation to praise and worship today, is the lowest I've seen. I have been in small group settings (leading and following) with folks that will chat during worship and large groups where less than 1/2 the participants were singing and some were even standing, cell phone in-hand. Now I don't know for sure it wasn't the Holy Spirit texting them but I know they probably missed what God had for them in the worship that day.
       I think this is sad, because I think it is avoidable with just a few tweaks. One is to better explain to believers the PURPOSE of the music at the beginning of the service, and how, like nothing else, it can put our mind in a position to unite us with our fellow worshippers, regardless of their theology. It can help us to hear and receive the Word of God more clearly, and encourage our spirit in difficult and uncertain times. There are certainly, as always, many who intentionally have relationships with God that keep Him at least at arms length. This stinks too - as it makes it hard to feel loved when you won't let God get close enough to hug you.
       Another problem stems from our acceptance in the Church of the MINDSET that worship is a music performance we listen to, rather than an effort on our part to reach out and unite with other believers, and to let our burdens fall away as we seek Him for a few short minutes. Worship has become a social experience, where a group of individuals worship in a room full of people - sometimes feeling totally alone - instead of a powerful, intimate communion between the Bride of Christ and the Bridegroom. Ugh. That makes me hurt because it steals joy.
       Another unfortunate factor, which I alluded to earlier, is social media and the way today, many have what I call the 'they're watching' factor. People are more aware than ever of who is watching them and in worship it can cause them to miss the part of God's love that causes our heart to beat faster in our chest, and causes us to sing out boldly to the only worthy God there is.
       The solution? That's the EASIEST part! If you want to see the change - be the change! Sing out your praises - as one part of the whole  - for Jesus' sake! You might be surprised at what can happen to your heart, and your congregation, from just one simple act of trust and obedience.

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